Knowledge Base

XML Product feed for WooCommerce stores

With the Auglio Try-On Mirror plugin, you can easily create an XML product feed and customize its settings using the configuration interface. This product feed is used by Auglio to synchronize your product data.

  1. Go to the WooCommerce > Auglio menu in your WordPress admin dashboard
  2. Click on the XML Product Feed tab
  3. Adjust the feed settings according to your preferences
  4. Once you have made the desired modifications to the product feed settings, click on the Save Changes button to save the updated settings



The XML Feed URL is the location where the product feed XML file is generated and stored. In this case, the XML Feed URL is set as:
This URL points to the location where the XML feed file is available


This setting determines the status of the product feed. It can have the following values:

  • Enabled: The product feed is active and operational
  • Disabled: The product feed is inactive and not being generated

Product Status

Select which products should be included in the XML feed. The available options are:

  • Published
  • Pending
  • Draft
  • Future

Default Category

This setting determines the default Auglio product category assigned to the products in the feed. If left empty, the default category set in the Auglio Client Dashboard will be applied during synchronization.

Default Gender

This setting specifies the default gender assigned to the products in the feed. If left empty, the unisex option will be applied during the synchronization.

Category Pairing

Category pairing allows the mapping of categories from the store (WooCommerce) to product categories in the Auglio product category system, along with the associated gender and export options. Each row in the category pairing table represents a mapping between a store product category and an Auglio product category, along with the corresponding gender and export options.

Note: Category pairing allows customization of mappings based on the specific store and Auglio category structures, genders, and export preferences.

Tags:  Product XML feed

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