Knowledge Base

Products import automatization

To integrate products into your Magic Mirror, you first need to import them into our system. There are two ways to do this.

If you have just a few products which you do not need to update so often, you can add them manually; otherwise, we recommend to create an XML feed according to our XML feed specification.

Manual products addition

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Navigate to Products listing
  3. Click + NEW PRODUCT
  4. Enter your product’s ID (the ID that products have on your website) and Product name
  5. Choose a category
  6. Enter your product’s data
  7. Click SAVE & CONTINUE

Automatic products import and update via XML feed

Importing your products is the easiest and the most comfortable way to always keep the list of your products up to date. Create an XML feed according to our specification:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <GROUP_ID>main product ID (optional)</GROUP_ID>
        <ITEM_ID>product ID (or variant ID if the GROUP_ID tag is used) in your store</ITEM_ID>
        <PRODUCTNAME><![CDATA[Product Name]]></PRODUCTNAME>
        <DESCRIPTION><![CDATA[Short product description (only basic text formatting html is allowed (b,i,u,s,em,strong)]]></DESCRIPTION>
        <PRICE>Product Price (rounded to two decimal points, without currency symbol)</PRICE>
        <IMGURL>valid URL of the main photo of the product in your store</IMGURL>
        <URL>valid URL of the product or product variant in your store</URL>
        <CATEGORY>Category ID (use the ID from the list of categories from the list below)</CATEGORY>
        <SEX>W (Ladies), M (Men), U (Unisex), G (Girls), B (Boys), K (Children unisex)</SEX>
        <EAN>EAN code (optional)</EAN>
        <MANUFACTURER><![CDATA[Manufacturer/Brand name (optional) ]]></MANUFACTURER>

    <!-- ...next items -->


Category IDs

Category ID
Lashes 1
Lipstick 2
Lipliner 3
Foundation 4
Lip Gloss 5
Blush 6
Eye liner 7
Eye shadow 8
Hair color 9
Contact lenses 10
Glasses 11
Concealer 12
Self tanning solution 13
Sunglasses 16
Hats 17
Scarves 18
Earrings 19
Necklaces 20
Piercing 21


You can also use your existing XML feed, but probably the structure of your XML feed is not the same as required. In this case, you can customize the tag names in your XML feed’s settings in the Import products/XML feed section.
Your XML feed should be publicly accessible on a URL you set, so we can fetch its content on a daily base (or a frequency you set).

Remember that we are always ready to help you. We will be happy to help you create an XML feed based on your needs and the system on which your website runs. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us to get your quote.

Tags:  Product import Product XML feed

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